Angel Lozano

Software Engineer

Hi, I am a 25y old Electrical Engineer, with a minor in
Electronics and Communications and a Mechatronics Associate Degree.

I worked at Intel Corporation, as System Validation Associate,
performing stress tests on different components of the SoC
(like the CPU itself, PCH, PCIe ports, Network ports and memory channels)
to take the voltage regulators to the limit.

I've worked as an Embedded Software Engineer, developing projects using
STM32 microcontrollers. Also, I've worked in projects using Yocto to build
Embedded Linux images for Raspberry Pi 4.

I have experience in fields like Embedded Systems, Robotics, Industrial Automation,
3D Design (CAD, Solidworks), 3D Printing and Game development with Unity 3d and
Unreal Engine.
About Me

2012 - Brick Breaker game with Unity Engine

Here starts my Software development career, just for learning purposes, I was introduced to OOP with C# developement.

2013 - VEX Robotics Competition (Toss Up Game)

In secondary school I was invited to participate in a Robotics Tournament. I was the captain of the team, performing tasks related to the physical design and programming.

2013 - VEX Robotics Competition (Toss Up Game)

I used C language to program the Microcontroller (VEX ARM Cortex). The robot required using outputs for DC motors, and inputs for sensors like photosensors (with LDR), limit and bumper switches. The robot was controlled using a remote Joystick.

Summer School Volunteer (2016)

Also, in high school, I got involved in a Volunteer Program helping during summer in a Community Primary School. I was away from my home for a month.

Summer School Volunteer (2016)

During the program, I developed an activities plan for children related to science with the purpose of strengthening their math and reading skills.

Started 3D Printing (2016)

In High School, I had an idea that required some techniques that 3d printing could bring. I acuired my first 3d printer: a delta robot-based Kossel Mini. It was a true challenge setting it up (I was 16y at that moment) but that was my introduction to new fabrication processes and 3d design.

Automating CIM cell (2017)

As part of a project required to obtain my Mechatronics Associate Degree, I worked with a team in the automation of a CIM composed by manipulator arm, conveyor belt, CNC mill and a rotary table. We simulated a milling process, and the only human-supervised required task was putting a wax piece on the conveyor belt.

TI-Nspire Calculator Programming Blog (2017)

This is a blog I created with resources for TI-Nspire CX calculators programming, using its native language TI-BASIC. There're some examples from basic to advanced complexity (as evaluating Pythagorean theorem or getting the Trigonometric series for discontinuous functions).

Bode Plotter

This project uses a Rigol oscilloscope (DS1054Z) and a FY3224s signal generator to run a frequency response analysis and creating Bode plots. It's coded in Python and tested under Ubuntu and Arch Linux, but it must work in any Operating System.



InMoov & Neurosky Mindwave

The project consists in a 3d printed robotic hand based on InMoov project which is controlled with attentions levels provided by a Neurosky Mindwave Mobile Headset. Also, I developed an Arduino library for simplifying headset implementation in projects.



Smart Pollution Monitor (Final Degree Project)

This is my Degree Final Project and I'm currently working in it with a team. Consist in a device able to measure some kinds of atmospheric pollution such a Particulate Matter and Carbon dioxide, get the position through the GPS and send the data to Cloud Storage. We are using a Raspberry Pi to get, process and send data to internet, applying IoT principles.


Monitoreo Polucion

Yocto layer for GUI implementation in Raspberry Pi

I'm developing a layer for Yocto project useful for implementing GUIs using tkinter for embedded linux images. Until now allows to install packages for enabling X11/Xorg and Wayland/Weston, instals Python modules required by Tkinter, copying the Python scripts with the GUI implementation in the image filesystem. I'm using Docker containers and Python scripts to create an environment for building the Yocto images.



Intel - NI DAQ tools for System Validation

I've used NI-DAQ systems, developing tools for data acquisition and signal processing using NI-SCOPE and NIDAQmx python modules. Basicaly, using OOP we can configure the system as a oscilloscope (set the sample rate and capture time, select channel, assign it a name, bandwith limiter, probe impedance, probe attenuation, channel gain and polarity, lowpass filter cut frequency and color for plotting). It was used for capture the server boot sequence, measuring multiple signals (more than 8 at same time) which allows to get a big picture of what's happening during the boot.

Intel - Xeon D Validation (Icelake D)

I worked with a team giving the final support of Xeon D 17xx-27xx validation process related to Power consumption.

Intel - Other Xeon SOC Validation

I worked with a team in the validation process of a New Xeon SOC, using company internal debugging tools and developed tools with NI DAQ. The rest is information which I can't talk about.
Education and Certificates
Image by coolvector